Sticky Note
Pound Sterling is the currency of which country?
پاؤنڈ سٹرلنگ کس ملک کی کرنسی ہے؟
  1. China
  2. Spain
  3. USA
  4. England
  5. Norway

The capital of England is London

The Dialing code of England is +44

The Currency of England is Pound sterling

Cricket is national game of England 

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  2. Sindh
  3. KPK
  4. None of these
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  2. 49
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  1. 1897
  2. 1899
  3. 1901
  4. 1894
  5. None of these
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  1. 4
  2. 6
  3. 7
  4. 8
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پاکستان کی برآمدی مالیت _____ ہے؟
  1. Half the worth of it's imports
  2. More than the imports
  3. Equal to the imports
  4. Less than the imports
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