Sticky Note
According to the teachings of Quran how many witnesses are required for the financial affairs of transaction?
قرآنی تعلیمات کے مطابق لین دین کے مالی معاملات کے لیے کتنے گواہوں کی ضرورت ہے؟
  1. Two Men
  2. Two Men and Two Women
  3. One Female and One Male
  4. 4 Men

The witnesses are required for the financial affairs of transaction 

two male or one male and two female witnesses

This is interpreted by a number of Muslim scholars so as to imply testimony of two women being equal to a single man.



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  4. Falaq
  5. None of the above
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  5. Sura Mulk
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  4. Al-Wasilah
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  2. Ijaz
  3. Tawstur
  4. Hifz Al-Iman
اس سوال کو وضاحت کے ساتھ پڑھیں

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