Sticky Note
What was the purpose of 14 points of Quaid e Azam?
قائد اعظم کے 14 نکات کا مقصد کیا تھا؟
  1. Safeguard the interests of Muslims
  2. Safeguard the interests of Hindu & Muslims
  3. Safeguard the rights of British
  4. All of these

Jinnah gave his points in order to safeguard and protect the rights and interests of Muslims in March 1929.

Muhammad Ali Johar helped Quaid e Azam in preparation for fourteen points 

Nehru report presented in 1928

Jinnah’s Fourteen Points presented in 1929

1.      Federal constitution with residual powers with the provinces.

2.      Provincial autonomy.

3.      No constitutional amendment without the agreement of the states.

4.      All legislatures and elected bodies to have adequate Muslim representation without reducing Muslim majority in a province to minority or equality.

5.      Adequate Muslim representation of Muslims in the services and in self-governing bodies.

6.      1/3rd representation of Muslims in the Central Legislature.

7.      1/3rd Muslim members in the central and state cabinets.

8.      Separate electorates.

9.      No bill to be passed in any legislature if 3/4th of a minority community considers it against its interests.

10.   Any reorganisation of territories not to affect the Muslim majority in Bengal, Punjab and the NWFP.

11.   Separation of Sindh from Bombay Presidency.

12.   Constitutional reforms in the NWFP and Baluchistan.

13.   Full religious freedom for all communities.

14.   Protection of the religious, cultural, educational and language rights of Muslims.



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