Sticky Note
Thal Desert is situated between ____?
تھل صحرا کس کے درمیان واقع ہے؟
  1. Chenab and Sutlej
  2. Sutlej and Beas
  3. Jhelum and Indus
  4. Ravi and Jhelum
  5. None of these

The Thal Desert is situated in the Bhakkar District of Punjab.

It is located between the Jhelum and Sindh rivers near the Pothohar PlateauIts.

The Length of the Thal desert is 190 miles.

It is called the Friendly Desert and Great Indian Desert.

It is the largest and the National Desert of Pakistan.

It is the 16th largest desert on the planet

15% located in Pakistan.

85% located in India

Famous for: Sand and Coal 

Additional information:

Pakistan hosts five major deserts which are historic forests.

1.       Cholistan (Bahawalpur, Punjab)

2.       Thal (Bkhar district of Punjab)

3.       Katpana desert (Sakardu)

4.       Kharan desert (Balochistan)

5.       Thar desert (Sindh)

In KPK there is no desert

The northern area of Pakistan is known as the “Deserts Free Area”.

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  5. None of these
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