When Muhammad Ali Jinnah gave 14 points?
قائداعظم نے چودہ نکات کب پيش کئے تھے؟
- 1929
- 1930
- 1931
- None of the above
- In March 1929, Muhammad Ali Jinnah presented his 14 Points during a Muslim League session in Delhi to protect Muslim rights and interests.
- He had left for England in May 1928.
- He had returned after six months.
- The Nehru Report of 1928 influenced these points, which were consolidated with help from Muhammad Ali Jauhar.
- Jinnah’s Fourteen Points (1929) aimed to safeguard Muslim rights in British India.
They included:
- Federal constitution with provincial powers.
- Provincial autonomy.
- No constitutional changes without state agreement.
- Adequate Muslim representation in legislatures.
- Muslim representation in services and self-governing bodies.
- 1/3rd Muslim representation in the Central Legislature.
- 1/3rd Muslim members in central and state cabinets.
- Separate electorates.
- No bill passed if 3/4th of a minority opposes it.
- Reorganisation should not affect Muslim majorities in Bengal, Punjab, and NWFP.
- Separation of Sindh from Bombay Presidency.
- Reforms in NWFP and Balochistan.
- Full religious freedom.
- Protection of Muslim religious, cultural, educational, and linguistic rights.
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