Sticky Note
Which of the following purposes is served by lesson plan?
سبق کی منصوبہ بندی کے ذریعے مندرجہ ذیل میں سے کون سے مقاصد کی تکمیل ہوتی ہے؟
  1. Psychological teaching is possible
  2. Suitable learning environment can be created in the class
  3. A teacher can stick to his content
  4. All of the above

A lesson plan serves several purposes, including:

  • Psychological teaching is possible: A lesson plan helps a teacher to understand the psychological aspects of learning and tailor the instruction to meet the needs of students.
  • Suitable learning environment can be created in the class: A lesson plan enables a teacher to create a conducive learning environment that promotes student engagement and learning.
  • A teacher can stick to his content: A lesson plan helps a teacher to stay organized and ensure that all the necessary content is covered, avoiding unnecessary deviations or omissions.

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  1. Controlled environment
  2. Repeated manifestation of only one skill
  3. Observation and criticism
  4. All of the above
اس سوال کو وضاحت کے ساتھ پڑھیں

بلوم کی درجہ بندی کے علمی ڈومین میں سب سے پیچیدہ مہارت ہے؟
  1. Understanding
  2. Remembering
  3. Evaluating
  4. Creating
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تدریس سیکھنے کے عمل میں درج ذیل میں سے کون سا کام پہلے کیا جاتا ہے؟
  1. Task analysis
  2. Writing objectives
  3. Determination of objectives
  4. Determination of strategies
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ماحول میں مناسب ایڈجسٹمنٹ کے لیے درج ذیل میں سے کون سی شرائط کو پورا کرنا ضروری ہے؟
  1. Physical fitness and health
  2. Social acceptability of the person
  3. Free form psychological diseases
  4. All of the above
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  1. Learning disabled
  2. Slow learners
  3. Educationally backward children
  4. All of the above
اس سوال کو وضاحت کے ساتھ پڑھیں

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