Sticky Note
National Flag of Pakistan was designed by _____?
پاکستان کا قومی پرچم کس نے ڈیزائن کیا تھا؟
  1. Hafeez Jalandhri
  2. Ahmed Ghulam Ali Chaghla
  3. Amir Uddin Kidwai
  4. Hafiz Jalandhri

The National Flag of Pakistan was designed by: Amir Uddin Kidwai

The crescent in the Pakistani Flag represents progress

The national flag of Pakistan was adopted on 11 August 1947.

The Dark green field in the flag of Pakistan represents Muslim Majority

The star in the Pakistani flag represents light and knowledge

The white strip in the flag of Pakistan represents the Minority

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  4. Hafiz Jalandhri
  5. None of these
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  2. Lion
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پاکستان کا قومی پرچم کس نے ڈیزائن کیا تھا؟
  1. Hafeez Jalandhri
  2. Ahmed Ghulam Ali Chaghla
  3. Amir Uddin Kidwai
  4. Hafiz Jalandhri
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  2. Neem
  3. Peepul
  4. None of these
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  2. So judge between the people in truth
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  4. None of these
اس سوال کو وضاحت کے ساتھ پڑھیں

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