Sticky Note
The place value of 9 in 0.06945 is?
  1. 9/1000
  2. 9/90
  3. /100
  4. None of these

The place value of 9 in 0.06945 is 9/10000, since the 9 is in the ten-thousandths place.

Here's how the place values work in this number:

  •  0 is in the ones place
  •  0 is in the tenths place
  •  6 is in the hundredths place
  •  9 is in the thousandths place
  •  4 is in the ten-thousandths place
  •  5 is in the hundred-thousandths place

So, the 9 is in the thousandths place, making its place value 9/10000.

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