Sticky Note
How many 7’s are in the following series which are not immediately followed by 3 but immediately preceded by 8? The given series is: 898762263269732872778737737794
  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 10
  4. 0

The question asks to find how many 7's are there that:

  • Are not immediately followed by 3.
  • Are immediately preceded by 8.

To solve this:

  • We need to check each occurrence of 7 and see if it's preceded by 8 and not followed by 3.

Upon checking the series, the relevant occurrences of 7 are:

  • 877 (preceded by 8, but not followed by 3)
  • 877 (again preceded by 8, not followed by 3)

So, there are 2 such 7's.

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  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 10
  4. 0
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اس سوال کو وضاحت کے ساتھ پڑھیں

  2. OCTObEr
  3. oCtObEr
  4. ocToBeR
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