Sticky Note
The largest country in the world by area is?
رقبے کے لحاظ سے دنیا کا سب سے بڑا ملک کون سا ہے؟
  1. USA
  2. Russia
  3. Australia
  4. China

The largest country in the world is Russia

with a total area of 17,098,242 Km² (6,601,665 mi²)

and a land area of 16,376,870 Km² (6,323,142 mi²)

List of Largest countries by area

Country % of world landmass
1 Russia 11.00%
2 Canada 6.10%
3 China 6.30%
4 United States 6.10%
5 Brazil 5.60%
6 Australia 5.20%
7 India 2.00%
8 Argentina 1.80%
9 Kazakhstan 1.80%
10 Algeria 1.60%
11 DR Congo 1.50%
12 Greenland 0.30%
13 Saudi Arabia 1.40%
14 Mexico 1.30%
15 Indonesia 1.20%
16 Sudan 1.20%
17 Libya 1.20%
18 Iran 1.10%
19 Mongolia 1.00%
20 Peru 0.90%
21 Chad 0.80%
22 Niger 0.90%
23 Angola 0.80%
24 Mali 0.80%
25 South Africa 0.80%
26 Colombia 0.70%
27 Ethiopia 0.70%
28 Bolivia 0.70%
29 Mauritania 0.70%
30 Egypt 0.70%
31 Tanzania 0.60%
32 Nigeria 0.60%
33 Venezuela 0.60%
34 Pakistan 0.50%

Must read it

Which country has the largest population in the world?






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