Who was the leader of pagans (non Muslims) in the Battle of Badr?
جنگ بدر میں مشرکوں (غیر مسلموں) کا سردار کون تھا؟
- Abu Sufyan
- Utba
- Abu Jehal
- Amr ibn al-As
- Hind bint Utbah
All important questions and information related to battle of Badr Badr means in Arabic: Full moon Furqan the second name of the battle of Badr Abu Jehal was the leader of the kufars in the battle of Badar. The battle of Badr was the first battle of Islam 70 infidels were killed in Ghazwa Badr The Battle of Badr is also referred to as The Day of the Criterion. It was fought on Tuesday, 13 March 624 CE (17 Ramadan, 2 AH), near the city of Badr. 14 Muslims were killed in the Battle of Badr. No of the Kufars (Non-Muslims Forces) in the Battle of Badr were 1000 mentioned in Surat Al-Anfal 1000 angels participated in the Battle of Badr Total: Muslim 313-317 Muhajirun: 82-85 Ansar: 231 Aws: 61 Khazraj: 170 2 horses 70 camels ** ND23-2-2023 ND16-1-2023 |
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