ECP Jobs, Syllabus, Past Papers 2023.
ECP AD IT Paper Pattern 2023
Total Marks: 100
Total MCQs: 100
Total Time: 90 minutes
Test Medium: MCQs
Negative Marking: No
ECP AD IT Syllabus 2023 سلیبس
1. English:
2. Constitution of Pakistan 1973 (Part i, ii & viii) and election ACT 2017: 30%
3. Islamiyat: 10%
4. Pakistan Affairs: 10%
5. Current Affairs: 10%
6. Everyday Science:
Download PDF تیاری کیلے نوٹس
1) Islamic Study (Download)
2) Pakistan Affairs (Download)
3) EDS. جنرل نالج میں سائنس شامل (Download)
4) English (Download)
7) Current Affairs - Pakistan (CLICK)
8) Current Affairs - International (CLICK)
9) Constitution of Pakistan 1973 (Download)
9) Election Act 2017 (Download)
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