چار آپشن میں سے کسی ایک پر کلک کرنے سے جواب سرخ ہو جائے گا۔
- Pledge : Deny
- Confession : Hedge
- Law : Enforce
- None of these
اس سوال کو وضاحت کے ساتھ پڑھیں
The analogy is:
Promise : Fulfill :: Law : Enforce
Just as a promise is fulfilled, a law is enforced.
سن 1930 میں الہ آباد میں صدارتی خطاب کس نے کیا؟
- Liaqat Ali Khan
- Quaid-e-Azam
- Moulvi Fazal-ul-haq
- Allama Iqbal
- None of these
اس سوال کو وضاحت کے ساتھ پڑھیں
Allama Iqbal Join Muslim League in 1908 in London and in subcontinent in 1922
Sir Muhammad Iqbal's 1930 Presidential Address to the 25th Session of the All-India Muslim League Allahabad, 29 December 1930.
Allama Iqbal is a National Poet of Pakistan
Allama Iqbal Born: November 9, 1877, Sialkot
Allama Iqbal Died: April 21, 1938, in Lahore
Allama Iqbal Place of burial: Tomb of Allama Iqbal, Lahore
پاکستان کا قومی کھیل کون سا ہے؟
- Hockey
- Cricket
- Badminton
- Boxing
اس سوال کو وضاحت کے ساتھ پڑھیں
Pakistan | Information |
National Game | Hockey |
National Animal | Markhor |
National Language | Urdu |
National Dress | Shalwar Kamiz |
National Poet | Allama Iqbal |
- ضرب کلیم
- زبور عجم
- ارمغان حجاز
- ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
اس سوال کو وضاحت کے ساتھ پڑھیں
ارمغان حجاز شاعری کی ایک کتاب ہے جو عظیم شاعر، فلسفی اور نظریۂ پاکستان کے بانی علامہ اقبال کی تصنیف ہے۔
یہ کتاب 1938ء میں شائع ہوئی۔
ہندوستان کا پہلا وائسرائے کون تھا؟
- Lord Canning
- Lord Hardinge
- Lord Elgin
- Warren Hastings
- Lord Ripon
اس سوال کو وضاحت کے ساتھ پڑھیں
- First Viceroy of India: Lord Canning in 1858
- Last Viceroy of India: Lord Mountbatten in 1947
- First Governor of Bengal: Robert Clive
- First Governor-General of Bengal: Warren Hastings (1772-1785)
- First Governor-General of India: William Bentinck in 1833
امریکہ کا 16واں صدر کون تھا؟
- George Washington
- Andrew Johnson
- Ulysses S. Grant
- Abraham Lincoln
اس سوال کو وضاحت کے ساتھ پڑھیں
The 16th President of the USA was Abraham Lincoln.
He served from 1861 to 1865.
The short list of Prime Ministers of USA:
- 1st. George Washington
- 2nd. Adams John Adams
- 3rd. Thomas Jefferson
- 15th. James Buchanan
- 16th. Abraham Lincoln
- 17th. Andrew Johnson
- 44th. Barack Obama
- 45th. Donald Trump
- 46th. Joe Biden (Current)
انٹرنیٹ پر کمپیوٹر کی شناخت اس کے ______ سے ہوتی ہے؟
- IP address
- None of these
اس سوال کو وضاحت کے ساتھ پڑھیں
An IP address is a unique address that identifies a device on the internet or a local network.
IP stands for "Internet Protocol," which is the set of rules governing the format of data sent via the internet or local network.
لاہور ہائی کورٹ کی موجودہ چیف جسٹس کون ہیں؟
- Justice Tahira Safdar
- Justice Ayesha Malik
- Justice Aalia Neelum
- None of these
اس سوال کو وضاحت کے ساتھ پڑھیں
Justice Aalia Neelum is the current and 54th Chief Justice of Lahore High Court since 11 July 2024
She is the first female judge of in the 142-year history of the Lahore High Court.
She replaced Justice Shujaat Ali Khan

Refrence Click here
Last updated on 11-07-2024
رولٹ ایکٹ _____ میں پاس ہوا تھا؟
- 1919
- 1915
- 1916
- None of these
اس سوال کو وضاحت کے ساتھ پڑھیں
- The Rowlatt Satyagraha was a national protest against Rowlatt Act introduced in 1919.
- The Rowlatt Act was passed on 6th February 1919.
- Rowlatt Satyagraha was founded in 1919 by Mahatma Gandhi.
- Gandhiji became a true national leader as a result of the Rowlatt Satyagraha.
- The Rowlatt Act gave the British government the ability to arrest and imprison anyone for no cause.
- The Rowlatt Act was officially known as the "anarchical and revolutionary offenses act."
- Gandhiji referred to the Rowlatt Act as a "black act."
- On April 6, 1919, Mahatma Gandhi resolved to fight the Rowlatt Act and issued a call for satyagraha.
- The British viceroy who approved the Rowlatt Act was Lord Chelmsford.
بلاک چین ٹیکنالوجی ______ میں استعمال ہوتی ہے؟
- Cricket
- Crypto Currency
- Bricks
- None of these
اس سوال کو وضاحت کے ساتھ پڑھیں
A Blockchain is a chain of blocks that contain information.
The data which is stored inside a block depends on the type of blockchain.
For Example, A Bitcoin Block contains information about the Sender, Receiver, number of bitcoins to be transferred.