Proper education is a blessing. One can get it through a proper system of education formulated by expert educationist and academicians. Proper education is an outcome of a right course fulfilling its aims and objectives. Education is known as the third eye of man for it blesses man with knowledge, insight and acumen. It opens doors of knowledge hitherto unknown to man. They are the means that bring man to threshold of real knowledge, lasting wealth and reliable information.
There are various ways of getting education. Profound observation of things, listening to important information, practical experience in life are some of the means of education besides education got through books, literature, magazines, newspapers, pictures, documentaries, libraries, television and other media. Education is an everlasting process. The more one reads the more one learns about the world around one. Education is therefore, light that brightens man's ways to successful practical life on the earth it keeps man from vice and attracts him to virtue, good and good deeds. There are several kinds of education. Some of them are general education, scientific education, commercial education, business education, technical education, religious education, legal education and moral education. General education broadens scope of knowledge of learners, scientific education sharpens mind and enhances intelligence quotient, commercial education helps man earn fair livelihood; technical education helps man know techniques successfully applied and made highly useful for mental, professional and personal development; religious education helps man know his self, purpose of his creation, his relationship with the Creator, his duties to the Creator and his fellowmen; moral education helps man understand and follow good morals, human values and moral values when adhered to all the walks of life in letter and spirit. Right education helps man make best use of knowledge acquired, his abilities and resources and enables him to lead a good, successful life.
Highly developed countries of the world are prominent examples before us. They enjoy unique position among the comity of the nations of the world. It is mainly due to education that today educated nations lead developing nations in economy, wealth, trade and commerce, science and technology, art and craft, commerce and industry, international relations and politics.
The United Kingdom, the USA, Canada and Australia have largely developed due to vast spread of education. In Sri Lanka, Malaysia and India schoolmaster is abroad. They provide education to all and sundry, Bangladesh has a large number of PhDs in various disciplines and she enjoys a good repute of an educated nation. Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Singapore and India have a largest rate of literacy in Asia. Finland, a smallest country, leads nations of the world in educational system, kinds of education, teaching methods and pedagogies. Today, Finland acts as a torchbearer and is in the vanguard of modern methods of education. The government of Finland provides general education, technical education and professional training to its citizens so that they learn the best of information and become excellent professionals. Teachers are held very high in Finland and they enjoy prestigious positions in their society. It is because education is given topmost priority there.
There are more than 300 public and private universities in the USA Besides, there are more than 3000 colleges and institutes affiliated to those universities. They are open to all and sundry and provide quality education regardless of colour, caste creed and religion. It appears from the above-mentioned account that education plays a vital role in individual, collective and national development of a people arid that it is as indispensable for human development as oxygen and food are for human survival.
1. A right course of education fulfils its ______?
A. Aim and objectives.
B. Wealth and information.
C. Insight and acumen.
D. Way and course.
2. Education brightens man's way to successful and practical ______?
A. Business
B. Activity
C. Life
D. Affair
3. Three things attract man. They are virtue, good and _____?
A. Good name
B. Good deeds
C. Good morals
D. Good fame
4. Which kind of education sharpens mind?
A. Legal education
B. General education
C. Technical education
D. Scientific education
5. The phrase "school master is abroad" means _______?
A. School master is posted far away.
B. Education has become expensive.
C. Education is spread in distant places.
D. Education can be acquired only in foreign countries.
6. The country mentioned in the passage that has a large number of doctors in various subjects is ______?
A. Sri Lanka
B. Bangladesh
B. Malaysia
D. India
7. A country whose educational system is best known, best applied and best rated across the world is ______?
A. Finland
B. Canada
C. Australia
8. Name the country in which education is given the greatest preference to other things?
A. Bangladesh
B. Finland
C. The USA
D. The United Kingdom
9. The phrase "rate of literacy" means _______?
A. A number of readers
B. A number of writers
C. Percentage of literate people in a province or country
D. Percentage of school goers
10. Meaning of the word "indispensable" used in the last paragraph of the passage is _______?
A. Important
B. Urgent
C. Unavoidable
D. Essential